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tv   [untitled]    October 26, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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thank you. ily. ily. immediately hit the limit. witnesses in libya say the situation in bunnie were leaders getting more dangerous with foreign snipers spotted on rooftops and allegations of chemical weapons being used. by. the i.m.f. trashers greece's plan to deal with this massive deficit is the e.u.'s last line of economic defense celebrates one year and. we look at how the two main runners in
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the u.s. presidential race plan to deal with the powerful israeli lobby and tell of the fundamental to bomb iran. twenty four hour world news live from moscow this is are with me rory sushi and goings of foreign mercenaries reportedly from the gulf states and turkey have joined the assault on bani walid in libya has been gathering first hand accounts of the situation in the besieged town traditionally loyal to the toppled khadafi regime more on this now towards he's paula syria. while fighting continues in the besieged libyan city of baghdad where it has been on the go for more than three weeks now we are beginning however to hear disturbing reports that a foreigner troops and snipers could be used in the assault on the city.
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they told something dangerous that. the snipers the flood and not the nuclear maybe if it got out of the key of the room somewhere inside the city today to look to fit into this a bit you know and be today do you think now earlier in the week there were conflicting reports that the city had fallen and these reports have proven untrue but not before thousands of residents tried to make their way to that. to the city now we are hearing from our sources on the ground that these people have been stopped by roadblocks that have been set up by militias at the entrances and exits to the city that there has been firing in the air wide scale panic and that now thousands of people are on the desert highway in addition to this our sources tell us that they continues to be armed gangs and militia that opera trolling the streets and are ransacking people's homes we're hearing reports of homes being
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bulldozed of homes being looted and we continue to hear these reports over the at the moment and verified of the use of chemical weaponry i can confirm that these militias used internationally prohibited weapons they used phosphorous bombs and nerve gas we have documented all these in videos recorded the missiles they used on the wire transfers raining down from these missiles many people died without being wounded shot he died as a result of the whole world needs to see who are they targeting other really good doctors men other children women and old men killed his men the united states state department was questioned by our team in terms of why the story is being ignored in the way it's done their answer was that they're not ignoring the story they are following it but you only need to take a look at the u.s. state department website and see that the last time when it was mentioned was back at the beginning of the year we support the efforts of the libyan government to get
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control of militias and to provide security throughout the country including in bani walid and to do so in a way that. is respectful of the human rights of all citizens and allows humanitarian organizations to get in so we are watching the situation very closely now the libyan army was given the order to use all means necessary to deal with the city and so what they're saying is that all means necessary are being employed. all parasites are leeches a message to all of them across libya wherever they are whoever you are and however strong you are and who are your backers are the revolution should win for them also we hear from our sources both within the setting and elsewhere in europe in north africa people who have family inside the city that the killings are far from over. but the battle for bani walid has lasted several weeks now but unlike last year's
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revolution against gadhafi it's yet to capture the attention of the mainstream media author and journalist neil clark says simply that's because the current situation in libya is an inconvenient truth for those who back the change that let's think back to every twenty eleven we couldn't because newspaper in the u.k. or us or put on the b.b.c. or c.n.n. without hearing about what was going on in libya a humanitarian disaster or a whole colonel gadhafi forces the killing lots of people there we're going to have a massive massacre in benghazi and because of that we went to war that that was a reasonable war and today the situation lever is much worse you got a humanitarian catastrophe taken place the number of people killed since the age intervene is going up but by between ten and twenty times we've got massacres going on at the moment and there's silence complete silence here in the u.k. and in the u.s. they got what they want what they wanted they got rid of gadhafi they've got a crow western government in power now in tripoli they've taken control of the oil industry this privatization western corporations really you know they don't really
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give a toss to be honest about what's going on about about human rights abuses the fact that demonstrations are banned throughout the country it's time to move on on to syria of course. meantime in syria four day truce between the army and rebels has come into effect to mark the muslim holiday of a you need of the cease fire was proposed by the u.n. and arab league envoy lakhdar brahimi who did express hope this could be the first step to a political solution to the ongoing civil conflict government forces however are reserving the right to respond to terror attacks in the same place fighting next pentagon official michael maloof is skeptical that this latest ceasefire will have a effect at all. the government is prepared to have a cease fire but it takes two to tango as it as it were and i don't know that the opposition is prepared to to stand down i think they they feel that the government
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will then take advantage of the cease fire to realign troops and put in artillery so i think that they're going to be reluctant to do that there are terror attacks going on in syria a lot of the opposition is coming from outside forces more radical elements of joint so syria is been subject to outside terrorist attacks and it's going to go on and unfortunately the united states is backing this as well as turkey and and i think that the united states really doesn't have a clear policy on toward toward. except to get him out but then the question is what may then what are you going to have after that and if aleppo falls that could begin to raise additional problems and could cause a major spread and isolate the regime on the one hand i've talked to people in lebanon for example who said that hezbollah will attack even israel if aleppo falls
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simply because of the assistance that the israelis have been giving to the opposition so i would be skeptical that such a cease fire not only could go into effect but that it could even hold. the watching r t greece apparently stands no chance of me against deficit reduction deadlines that's according to a preliminary report from the international monetary fund's debt inspectors nevertheless for some reason they remain undaunted by the write up will recommend more austerity already on top of eighty nine stalled reforms that athens has yet to push through e.u. leaders are also giving greece a time extension to implement cuts but the timing of it all is rather symbolic on this day one year ago a desperate you agreed on some of its most extreme crisis fighting measures the effects of which has artie's maria financial reports proving to be somewhat underwhelming. marriages approved by european union leaders this day year ago were
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designed to tackle the debt crisis the german chancellor angela merkel described as europe's worst economic crisis since the end of world war two e.u. has spent months hammering this package out of the venture it was proclaimed and it was hoped to first save greece by a write in of awful for its that which amount to that at that time again to one hundred sixty percent of the country's g.d.p. and the second able this package was to protect other european countries from this financial instability to put that purpose it was decided to more than double the european union bailout fund also known as european financial stability facility we've been hearing skaftason already that but a year later it's clear that not only has the crisis is not drawn back but also the european financial climate has worsened with more and more countries now joining
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greece and experiencing financial economic fallout likes pain of all to go experts say the raw several reasons behind this fiasco and one of them is some countries squandering in tough economic times this still continuing to spend too much. cash on military sector rather than on social media and greece is a very good example here of this very bad tendency let's take a look. the greek people are making their anger towards government spending cuts very clear. one area where greece continues to spend big though is when it comes to weapons seven billion euros last year alone were spent on defense considers that it's it's facing a threat from turkey. and that we need to maintain a. credible military forces to that threat and one of the key places where greece shops for its defense needs is germany athens is orders make up around fifteen
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percent of berlin's arms exports the most in europe despite germany's repeated belt tightening mantra of course is export earnings from germany and nato interests and so it's just being done then this is not being talked about so much every once a while the topic pops up but it's just being done and politicians in germany are not really questioning it with greeks enduring a dire financial plight with little sign of reprieve is there an element of hypocrisy in germany calling for cuts while encouraging greece to buy its weapons. not all of berlin's elected representatives buying into their gun peddling government's priorities for them social spending cutting is the first you know thing that comes to their mind for me as a green the first priority that comes to my wife is cutting into defense sector as a proportion of its national earnings greece spends almost twice as much as any other e.u. member on defense compounded by
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a less than transparent cumin process and a reputation for corruption i think there is in the lead in greece both within the poll its course fear as well as the. say i. weaponry that does keep specific percentages and bribery is it never a single cell of arms with former defense minister. in custody facing charges of stealing government cash it's easy to see why big money for the military gets people riled especially when economists estimate that if greece had cut defense spending over the past decade to similar levels of fellow e.u. states they would have saved around one hundred fifty billion euro more than their last bailout peter all over our city. in about ten minutes time here on our business desk will delve into the real impact that used to bailout fund has had over the past one year also after
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a short break here on out sea in london embraces the launch of a new position t.v. station that aims to become potato iran's the south of the e.u. basically chopped terror on state run board costs off its and waves. itself russian opposition gets officially charged with preparing a mass arrests following hidden camera footage suggesting he took money from a georgian politician. nineteen iranian channels have been banned in the countries that schooled iran for not tolerating free speech among other things well played lads well played i love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning personally a bit of censorship doesn't bother me that much because there has always been
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censorship and there were always be censorship if there are any words or symbols or opinions that could get you bumped off the air or legal trouble in your country then guess what you have censorship sorry to say it but that's how it is i don't mind a country saying that there is something so antithetical to their way of life that it must be banned i'm fine with that that's your business in your country and you should be able to protect your culture and your values but the lie to me and tell me that you live censorship free when you don't it's your choice you let the iranian channels back on the air or come out of the closet and admit you believe in restricted speech but that's just my opinion. you will come to the. the. structure.
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of the future. he.
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says his goal is simply to overthrow. success for freedom of speech. the story. in london we went to the launch of a brand new and very different in reigning news channel this studio belongs to her t.v. now from foss the rocker translates to freedom and that could give an indication of the political agenda behind the new t.v. station in fact its founder is so very opposed to the current government that he says that he wants to help the rainy and people to capitated the current regime denies having any financial backing or any seal of approval from international organizations or western governments cannot believe. the british government
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back. to the regime can be against the t.v. for the change of dictatorship. they want to put this regime on the news in fact the very emergence of a new oppositional iranian television channel in britain teamed with the involuntary departure of press t.v. from the u.k. it's led some to question whether the brits with all their love of trumpeting free speech and balance are doing so very selectively obviously. very early on the first country in the world that. television news channel there are only too glad to welcome a propaganda channel as it were the one percent does no one in iran even those opposed to it but it even those opposed presumably do that islamic theocracy. would support this out t.v.
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its founders say that they're inspired by events like the arab spring and television channels like al-jazeera and al-arabiya in fact they say that unlike in libya and afghanistan they want to promote political change from within and looks like perhaps because of their oppositional political agenda nobody here is stopping them. london. and israel's plans for iran go far beyond banning or supporting simple t.v. channels and tel aviv's top ally the us will have to choose whether to back well block them as artie's guy nature kind reports for the next u.s. president it will be ultimately a choice between israel's support and the good of his own people a red line should be drawn right here the line beyond which lies war with iran and many thought benjamin netanyahu is message at the u.n. general assembly this fall was addressed not so much to the international community
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but to washington netanyahu would like to be able to communicate to the world that the israelis are ready which he has to attack and that it will be done with the full support of the united states and he's not getting that the tension in the media peaked when president obama practically referred to is world's worst mongering as noise that he's trying to block out any pressure that i feel is simply to do what's right for the american people and i am going to block out any noise that's out there pledging full and unconditional support for israel is part of any presidential election campaign in the u.s. the possibility of war with iran needs a new dimension to this election season the israelis will attack the iranians they will attack it's just a matter of when so americans must decide which presidential candidate can better manage the situation despite campaign big president obama has strong allies like
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israel under the bus the last debate on foreign policy has shown the candidates hold almost identical views on the issue what if the prime minister of israel called you on the phone and said our bombers are on the way we're going to bomb iraq. let's not go into hypotheticals of that nature our relationship with israel my relationship with the prime minister of israel is such that we would not get a call saying our bombers are on the way when i've sent young men and women into harm's way i always understand that that is the last resort not the first of course a military action is the last resort as far as red lines for iran i understand and share this or not you know whose insistence that iran should not obtain a nuclear weapon my red line is iran may not have a nuclear weapon iran is a nuclear nation is unacceptable to united states president obama said exactly the same thing. twenty nine standing ovations to these really prime minister's speech
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before congress among other things showed just how powerful these really lobby is in washington despite president obama's support of a two state solution for israel and the palestinians his party members that their convention this fall called for moving the capital of israel from tel of the of to jerusalem it remains evident that there is no daylight between the two parties of israel obama was the guy who gave the impression with his cairo speech and others that he was willing to begin to renegotiate america's policy. on israel and palestine but in fact when he came down to hard political realities has backed off but will he back off when israel decides to attack iran whoever is elected as america's next president will have to walk on the same raise the blade which is between this world that is itching to bomb iran and the american people don't want another costly and devastating war based on phony red lines in
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washington i'm going to check on. it with the differences between obama and romney rather hard to distinguish also use helping other candidates have their share of ad time screw simply on this channel you can watch the live clash between the winners of the last round of the third party debate ultimately joel stein and gary johnson . we both agree we agree we have to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree let's get back to something the president i agree on and there to you that the voters have a choice perhaps with you wondering who to vote for where romney and obama agree on so many things never you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidate over thirty of . the more join us shortly for the business for now though one of russia's opposition leaders has been officially charged with
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preparing to incite mass unrest a moscow based investigative committee says it. may have used for and funding and it is actions. reports now surrogate has been charged with plotting mass disorder in russia the charges say that he he wanted to organize mass violent protests starting in russia's western most enclave of kaliningrad and then in other regions of the country but he wanted to involve russian nationalists in the violence as well and he had been plotting with others to try and set up training camps to prepare he had already been under a travel ban as the investigation progressed he denies all of those charges the investigation began after a summer vision documentary was shown recently on russian television about the opposition protest movement over the past year the documentary showed hidden camera
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footage and settled out solve and others had colluded to try and organize the mass violence and that they had also taken money from georgian officials to help them do that russia's investigative committee is using that documentary as evidence to us. those have also been arrested over the same investigation one of them is thought to have been detained in the ukraine though he's saying that his confession was given under pressure from all four of if is convicted he could face up to ten years in prison. let's get some business here on our case he pilgrim good to see you today this day marking one year exactly since a breakthrough in solving the greek crisis creator you talk about a breakthrough perhaps being a bit optimistic well exactly i mean it's a question of oh listen it rory quite right there i mean greece had been forgiven for some of its debt that was promised more rescue lies to dig it out of
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a mess that was the situation a year ago as you say to a danish science a bank says that the situation in the eurozone is reminiscent of groundhog day now the trigger for a change would be in germany's. call it needs to fall a new coalition. i think what we see is a combination of germany being still saying nine nine nine dong and at the same time that the social change unless you just briefly will increase i mean to me the real surprise here is that the source of tension is not bigger and more to be seen in the streets because ultimately this extended britain the victim has become the middle class and the employees who today takes hold listen everybody for what they do take home is actually not able to buy them anything close to what it did just one year or two years ago. well with that in mind we take out the russian markets
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they are indeed down there taking that international q right now i want to mention as well the fact that unemployment. rates twenty five percent that means that one in four people are on in lloyds right now the stick out some exchange rate see what the rubles up to the so often in here in the find a session will that it makes against the currency is just that but the euro. it's a nine nine nine as well said no thank you one twenty eight ninety a fine just as i was indeed feeling at the press shop. now the european bank for reconstruction and development has upgraded its growth for russia now the bank expects the country's economy to surge three point two percent the shit something the developed economies could only dream of and i have a b. anticipated result could be shot if i hope my inflation e.p. already expects it to be official tall gets six point eight percent by the end of the year moving all china so an undeclared out of six hundred billion dollars last
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year also bought into the global financial integrity but say it is driven by frustration with the banking system that subsidizes companies and by businesses profiting from the calls in the state of control the last outflow was a part of a three point eight trillion dollar flood of capital that left china to the of the millennium when it comes to group aims to become the first russian financial corporation to provide resell berries in africa the firm has set up a subsidiary in nigeria that would work with points of credits in local stores say the country's retail banking is not developed and could become a golden goose for the russian bank however doing business in nigeria is quite risky and not stoop to on a stable political situation and a high level of crime. that's how the business serves if you want technology technology out here and i'll take coming up next.
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i was . in the middle of russia's north far away from civilization and in a three hour helicopter treat from the nearest village. they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. lodging runs in a signal and then it's they also grew up in the but left it at the age of six and
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never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still remember their regions was. how i landed here is a dancing teacher. was. still his dances he tells the stories about his motherland. lives in europe to now has a one thousand strong reindeer herd when the enemy only saw the light can and most around brood is gathered turns and moved to another posture they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter women and children for them. but the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even.


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